Check the latest streamflow data on the USGS website by clicking on the links below. I recommend that you look at streamflow in cubic feet per second.
While there is usually a really good bite right before inclimate weather, Steelhead bite well after a good rain and water levels are dropping back down.
RIVER Best CFS for fishing
Grand River (Steelhead Ally) 250 - 400
Chagrin River (Steelhead Ally) 150 - 350
Cuyahoga River (Steelhead Ally) 200 -350
Conneaut Creek (Steelhead Ally) 200 - 350
Rocky River (Steelhead Ally) 150 - 250
Vermilion River (Steelhead Ally) 100 - 200
Ashtabula (Steelhead Ally) No Information
No CFS so use gauge height
Clear Fork (Upper Section) 1.8 - 2.10
Clear Fork (Lower Section) 1.2 is considered normal flow.